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Farming News on the Isle of Man

Farming News on the Isle of Man


The total agricultural acreage (including rough grazings) is around 113,000 acres or 80% of the land mass of the Island, with agriculture basically a mixed farming industry.

The agricultural livestock population mainly comprises cattle, sheep, pigs and poultry (eggs and broiler production). Traditional mixed and small scale farming is still prevalent but in decline. Instead, there are continuing trends towards specialist and larger scale agricultural units.

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The Manx climate favours grass production and so dairy farming is the most important sector, followed by beef and sheep. Rough grazings remain as natural or semi-natural grassland used for extensively grazed flocks and herds.

A considerable range of combinable crops are possible in the more suitable arable areas, but seasonal market demand still necessitates the importation of some green vegetables and salads.

The Island has an international reputation for its low animal disease status, with no record of a major epidemic diseases having occurred (which other countries accept as commonplace).

Cheese, together with beef and lamb, are the main agricultural exports with about half of total production exported - primarily to the UK. Other commodities exported include livestock, cereals, seed potatoes, wool, horticultural produce and flowers (especially roses).

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